Welcome to the City of Calamus, Iowa
Please help us welcome, Lisa Syring, as the new Deputy City Clerk. Lisa can be reached at calamusdeputyclerk@gmail.com or by calling 1-563-246-2755 option 1. Lisa's in person office hours are weekly on Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. . Thank you for your patience while we transition into a Clerk & Deputy Clerk.
Click HERE to sign up for the Fitness Center
Click HERE to fill out the autopay form to set your fitness center membership up for auto renew on January 15th of each year!
Complaint Policy Implemented 10/2/23 & Forms click HERE or click HERE to submit a complaint via the online link
As a general reminder, please do not allow pets to run at large within city limits. Thank you!
Per city code 55.06 AT LARGE PROHIBITED. It is unlawful for any owner to allow an animal to run at
large within the corporate limits of the City. A copy of the Clinton Humane Society Agreement can be found here . Citizens who find dogs at large within city limits who would like to transport the dog to the humane society should contact the Public Works Department first determine if the owner can be identified or to obtain permission to take the dog to the humane society under the City of Calamus account.
The 2022 CCR Water Report is available by clicking HERE
There have been a few questions as to how the updated sewer and water rates are calculated, below is the calculation broken down.
Sewer is a minimum of $40.00 plus $1.00 per 1,000 gallons used
Water is a minimum of $35.00 plus $4.00 per 1,000 gallons used
Sewer consumption divided by 1,000 x $1.00 + base $40.00 = Total sewer due
Water consumption divided by 1,000 x $4.00 + base $35.00 = Total water due
Here is an example of a bill that used 4,300 gallons:
WT consumption 4300 gallons / 1000= 4.30 x $4.00= $17.20 + $35.00 minimum = $52.20
SW consumption 4300 gallons / 1000= 4.30 x $1.00= $4.30 + $40.00 minimum = $44.30
RC recycling $2.50
GB garbage $14.62
ET Excise Tax $3.13
Total bill $116.75 *The AR code on the top of the bill means arrears. If you have a balance carried forward it will be listed here, or if you have a credit.
City Council meetings are on the 1st Monday of each month at City Hall at 7:00 p.m. Minutes from the meeting are posted at city hall, the post office, and First Trust & Savings bank within 15 days after the Council Meeting. Minutes are also published in the Dewitt Observer and posted on the city website www.calamusia.org. We hope this information is helpful, thank you!